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We are designing rooms for all types of digital creators.




These 3D models display the functional design of the multi-studio workshop and each of its rentable booths.

Showing how it can operate as a co-working space as well as a creative community hub


We're growing a community of filmmakers, musicians, animators, vloggers, and other creatives in the greater Kansas City area

Creatives can be their own resource for each other to unlock collaborations more powerful than anything else. You don't have to be a jack of all trades when you have a community, you should focus on what inspires you.


A small team of professional and

independent creators know what it's like to work with no budget and limited resources. The most common reason more creative prodigies not starting is generally blamed on gear.

A more realistic reason a lot of creators don't continue to grow is a lack of change and maturing in both content and production value.


We want to change that


If gear and studio-quality is no longer a barrier, then let's focus on stories and experience

To keep the entry cost as low as possible, we plan to primarily fund the building of the Creator Space by crowdfunding. Also allowing us to choose only the best fit for investors



Let us help you with the long term grind

Tailored studio package

Marketing Strategy

Reserved schedule

Discounted Editing

Sponsorship Connections

In-House backup storage

Or schedule individual bookings only when you need a studio

Subscribe For Updates

Get notified about local events, pop-up spaces and more

TEL: 816-873-5502  |

We're currently taking in suggestions and collaborators to bring the tools KC creators really need so feel free to reach out, schedule some coffee, let's make a video together

(Tea is also acceptable)


© 2019 by Anomalous Studios LLC

Contact at: or (816) 873-5502

Creatively servicing the Midwest Missouri/Kansas area

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